SC4ARES membership registration:
SC4ARES members serve their community and help their neighbors by using their training and volunteering their personal time, skill and equipment. There is a time commitment to training and personal deployments, while not frequent, have typically run around four to six hours long. In a major disaster it’s conceivable deployments may run twelve hours or more. If you are ready to join:
- Obtain Technician class or higher Amateur Radio License.
- Complete FEMA courses IS-100 and IS-700.
- Complete the ARRL BasicEmComm course.
- Register with
- You will be sent a link to fill out an application form on-line.
- If accepted; You will be sent a link to sign up for our mailing list: This is the primary way we notify people ahead of time if there’s a need for volunteers.
- You will receive your ARES Standardized Training Plan Task Book. It is your responsibility as an ARES communicator to:
- Review and understand Task Book requirements.
- Identify desired objectives/goals.
- Satisfactorily demonstrate completion of tasks for each level.
- Assure the evaluations are completed.
- Maintain and keep the Task Book up to date.
- Make Task Book available during assignments.
- Submit completed Task Book to Section Management.
SC4ARES membership:
Entry level 1 communicators are encouraged, but not required, to advance to level 2 as soon as practical.
Membership in SC4ARES runs 12 months from July 1 to June 30. To maintain good standing:
- Maintain and keep your own Task Book up to date.
- Net participation is required at least once per quarter (Participation in the Monday night net, on air exercises, public service events and emergency or disaster nets count as net participation.)
- Serve as net control at least once each year (Serving as net control on the Monday night net, a public service event, emergency or disaster net counts.)
- Attend in-person at least three technical training sessions each year. Training sessions are held in odd numbered months (January, March, May, July, September and November.) A schedule of events is maintained at under the heading “Upcoming SC4ARES Events” or our calendar.