
Dry Lightning 6/24 – 6/25

Update 6/25: Yesterday saw quite a bit of lighting in the San Joaquin Valley with reports of over 1000 lightning strikes in eastern Fresno County over three hours. Storm activity has left Monterey and San Benito Counties and continues to move north with a 15% chance of thunderstorm activity forecast today and is expected to leave the Bay Area by tonight. Download the full briefing here.

Update 6/24: The forecast now includes the entire Bay Area and Central Coast region into Tuesday. Download the updated briefing here.

15% chance of thunderstorm activity overnight across the Bay Area and Central Coast. The threat will lift north on Tuesday, leaving Monterey and most of San Benito out of Tuesday’s threat. The rest of the Bay Area will continue to have a slight chance of thunderstorms on Tuesday. All thunderstorms chances will end by Tuesday night with North Bay being the last to exit the threat region.


  • 15% chance for lightning into Tuesday
  • Some thunderstorms may be dry
  • Gusty outflow winds in excess of 35 mph near any high-based shower or thunderstorm
  • Increased risk for grass fire ignitions and fire spread

Earlier: The National Weather Service hazardous weather briefing has forecast a 10 – 15% chance for dry lightning across the Central Coast Monday afternoon and evening, with the potential for dry lightning impacts extending into the Bay Area on Tuesday. Dry lightning may result in an increased potential for grass fire ignitions. Download the full briefing here.

Risk levels at this time are minor. This is a good reminder to refresh emergency preparations including:

  • Keep fuels and vegetation cleared away from your house and outbuildings. Clean your gutters!
  • Refresh your contacts list. San Mateo County sheriff’s dispatch is (650) 363-4911
  • Program the local frequencies into your radio. You will find them at https://www.sc4ares.org/support/coastside-communication-channels
  • Have a “go bag” prepared in case you have to leave suddenly. Don’t forget your pets’ needs.
  • Keep your car’s tank at least 1/4 full.
  • Keep a pair of sturdy/hiking shoes in your car.

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